Monday, 28 February 2011

Pre Tour Weigh In

Today was the last weigh in before I zoom off following the Westlife tour round the country with my lovely girlies...

I lost 2lb...I was really pleased as for the last few weeks I had felt as though I was struggling, but thinking about it...I have been out every weekend & eaten out several times each week.

I had a fabulous weekend with the girlies out in Chester, dancing the night away.  I was really pleased with myself I stuck to Vodka & Diet Coke whilst everyone else had cocktails and at the end of the night when everyone had a McDonalds I had my 2 Chocolate Fudge Alpen Lights *heb*

I've been out shopping today in Warrington and stocked up on some more syn free sausages...Pork, Pork & Leek & also Pork & Tomato...can't wait to give them a whirl in the next few weeks. 

I've been to asda & got a stock of things to take on tour....the thought's there....even if I don't end up eating them *haha* I am going to try my best though.

I might not be going to weigh in next week as I'm away for half of the week in Cardiff & it's my Birthday, so I will have to just wait & see.
Myself & some of the lovely #SlimmingWorld & #WeightWatchers ladies on twitter have decided to set ourselves a little target called #tweetloss which is to lose a stone by Easter....I've had a good start losing this weeks 2lb.

My post weigh in treat tonight is an aero lamb...mmmm tasty...& cute too

Thursday, 24 February 2011

Busy Week

What a busy week I'm having, I've not had time to do much.  I've hardly even tweeted this week....shocking.  I must be a sucker for punnishment as I'm working a 6 day week this week, 4 of the days being 12 hours long.  Roll on Sunday for a day off

I weighed in on Monday morning & I had lost 1 lb, which I know I should be pleased with, however I really felt down & miserable about it.  I felt like I was wasting my time with the whole thing.  I know that a loss is a loss but I had been really good despite having a busy weekend.  I'm now feeling much better about the 1lb loss.

I went to my friends 30th Birthday party, which was a really good night.  She had a wig theme.  Everyone looked just as silly, although i did co-ordinate my accessories & make up to my wig....haha.

On Sunday, I drove up to Huddersfield & went for a carvery with some of my lovely friends before going to see Charlotte & baby Ava, who was gorgeous.  Can't wait for my next cuddle off her <3.

On Monday night I went to watch Boyzone on the first night of their tour at the Liverpool Echo Arena with some of my lovely girlies.  We had a lovely night I enjoyed a couple of bottles of Carling <3 I do miss an ice cold Carling.  Boyzone were fabulous, the Stephen Gately tribute was very emotional but lovely.   I'll upload a few Boyzone pictures later.  The support act were a girl band called Wonderland <3 who are fab.

I'm trying to low syn again this week as I'm off out in Chester on Saturday night with my lovely girlies for a few vodka & diet cokes & a boogie.  Although I have had some chocolate one night & shared a pudding with my Mum whilst out for tea tonight but I'm sure I can spare the syns.

Friday, 18 February 2011

3 Day Weekend

The weekend has finally arrived...I never thought it would, it's been a long 4 days in work.

The week has gone just as I had planned, low syns each day ready for the vodka's at tomorrow night's party.  It's the 30th Birthday party of 1 of my school friends.  The theme is wig is a pink curly bob...I can't wait to get glammed up with my wig on. *photo to follow on next blog* 
Today, I've been to Manchester with my Mum for more shopping <3, returning half of the purchases I made in Liverpool last week.....I did buy a few nice things though finally in a smaller's about time!

This is one of the main things that have been bothering me since being on Slimming World...I have lost 2 stone but my clothes have been no smaller than they were this time last year.  I have noticed this week, that my legs have gone a lot thinner...clearly the gym was obviously paying off when I was going.  I am determined to get back into going to the gym it is very much needed.  I do enjoy it when I'm's just finding the time.

The other thing I think I should stop doing is getting on the scales in a morning.  I don't really know why I do it as it doesn't make any difference to how or what I eat.  I think I must just like to monitor my progress....or not.

I am majorly looking forward to Sunday as 1 of my bestest friends Charlotte has finally had her baby girl this afternoon *yes she has been in labour since my last post* she's a gorgeous little thing and I am planning on going to see her <3  Well done Charlotte, I'm proud of you xx

Monday, 14 February 2011

Weigh Day

Well here we are Monday....weigh in day.

I didn't got to weigh in last week as I was unwell, however I stayed on track & managed a maintain which I was really pleased with after the weekend I have had & then * week rearing it's ugly heady yesterday morning.

3 meals out in 3 days...Friday, Saturday & Sunday....I enjoyed all of them. 

This deffinately proves to me that life does NOT stop, when trying to eat healthily.

I would usually have a naughty tea on a Monday night but tonight I have had pork steak, carrotts, potatoes & was lovely. 

My treat tonight was some mini eggs & a malteaser bunny....mmmmm <3  I've been looking forward to this malteaser bunny all week <3

I'm currently feeling good for the week ahead. 

I'm ready for another week of low syn days in preparation for a 30th Birthday Party on Saturday night, which I am sure will involve Vodka at some point.

On a random exciting of my best friends is due to have her baby tomorrow & she is having some pains....fingers crossed she arrives soon <3

Saturday, 12 February 2011

It Doesn't Rule My Life

So here goes, post number 2.....

I refuse to let the fact that I'm on a diet ruin my social life, I love the way that Slimming World lets you lose weight & still enjoy yourself.

I have low synned all week, having no more than 4 per day so as I had plenty left for the weekend as I knew I was likely to be eating out.

Today I have had a cooked breakfast, lots of super free fruit & a yogurt.

Tonight we've been to Frankie & Benny's at Cheshire Oaks. 

I am the only one out of my group of friends following the plan, but I don't let that put me off, I enjoyed a Sharing Platter between us to start, followed by Chicken & Ribs then I had a Knickerbockerglory for dessert.

I don't feel guilty one bit <3

My plan for tomorrow is plenty of super free fruit & veg & lots of water. 

I'm hoping for a little loss on Monday, I know it won't be much as *week is looming & that makes all the difference.  However I know it will show next week.

On a different note, I went to Liverpool shopping this morning and bought some lovely things from Primark <3  ready to go off on my boyband travels in March <3

Friday, 11 February 2011


Welcome to my slimming blog

I have followed the Slimming World plan on & off for the last 12 months, in all fairness probably more off than on, but I intend for that to change this year.

I have currently lost 2 stone, which I am really pleased with, however I have a long way left to go until I'm at target.

I am hoping that writing this blog will let me express how I'm feeling & keep me on track.