Monday 27 June 2011


It feels like it's been a very long week since last weeks maintain...I don't seem to have done much other than working & a lot of thinking.

The 2nd week back on plan though and...I've finally had a loss...waaahhhooooooooooo

At weigh in tonight I lost 4.5lb which I was over the moon with.  I also got slimmer of the week...I've not received that in a while.

I'm currently 1lb off my 2stone award which I received a long long time ago *before christmas* and 5lb off of my pre-westlife tour weight & 8lb off my 2.5stone award....!  I'm hoping to achieve the first 2 at least before I go away on 23rd July.  If I could achieve my 2.5stone award by then I would be over the moon.

It is typical of me to finally get back on track just as I'm due to go away again.  Hopefully I won't have the same struggle when I return.

Weigh in treat tonight was a piece of chocolate fudge cake with was gorgeous <3.

As for the week ahead...I'm off at the weekend...which will no doubt mean eating out...I'm off to Manchester with one of my lovely girlies Lucy...we're off to Primark for holiday things...I can't wait.  Hopefully I'll manage to save enough syns in the syn bank not to ruin my hard work.

Sunday 19 June 2011


So who said this weight loss lark was going to be easy?!?  I wish it was easy.

In February I was flying along and was at my lowest weight in a long time...then came the Westlife Tour and my 30th Birthday and along with both of them came a month off plan and a 9.5lb weight gain.  I wasn't too upset about the gain as in my head I felt that I could soon shift it and carry on as I was in February...if only it was that easy.

Tour ended and I jumped straight back on the problem...losing 2.5lb in my first week back on plan...since then I have struggled week in week out...losing 1 week, gaining the next.

Finally this week I feel that I am getting weigh in last Monday I gained 2lb...which I wasn't too disappointed with as I had been away in the week & been to see Take That a few a gain was fully deserved.  At group, I sat in on the new members talk and had a chat with my consultant...she felt that I had done the right thing to get me motivated again.

I have felt much more motivated this week and my head has been completely in the plan...despite going to Frankie & Benny's for tea last night...but I refuse to stay in forever and a day...we only live once.

I started the week doing the Scan Bran Challenge however I didn't appear to be losing I gave it up...however after discussing with some of my lovely Slimming World Twitter friends I am going to try it again this next week but having less.

I have 5 weeks until I go on holiday to Greece with some of my fabulous friends, I would at least like to be down to my lightest weight by then....!

Looking forward to weigh in tomorrow...although I'm not sure I will have lost anything...but I'm still feeling motivated & looking forward to the week ahead., whilst having a bit of a sort out...I came accross my Slimmnig World Certificates from the very first time I joined when I did so well & was almost at target...I do wonder why I let it get away from me!  This made me realise....I CAN DO IT AND I WILL DO IT!